Study Abroad in Linguistics
Study Abroad 2020-2021
Check out these unique Study Abroad opportunities for linguistics majors or minors, including some virtual Study Abroad options! We hope that Study Abroad programs can go back to normal soon...and it's always a great idea to start thinking about Study Abroad one year or more ahead.
Study Abroad Opportunities
Linguistics students can greatly benefit from study abroad opportunities. This is particularly true for Language Studies majors, who can fulfill many course requirements and improve their language skills through study abroad. A Linguistics Study Abroad Award has been created to encourage our majors and minors to take advantage of these opportunities. There are many options for Study Abroad available to UCSD students, from summer study to year long programs. UCSD students can participate in:
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UCEAP (UC Education Abroad Program)
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UC San Diego Global Seminars
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OAP (Opportunities Abroad Program)
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Global Exchange - Macquarie University
Check out the Linguistics Major Advising Page for more specific information. Talk to the Undergraduate Advisers in the Linguistics Dept about your plans.
Can I fit Study Abroad into my major requirements?Yes, absolutely. A maximum of 6 (4-credit) courses of study abroad can count towards your Linguistics major requirements and 3 (4-credit) courses for your Linguistics minor.
Make sure you talk to the Linguistics Dept. faculty adviser about your course plan before departure and keep in touch while you are away in case of changes. It is recommended that you take core requirements at UCSD and linguistics electives on your study abroad program. Here is a sample sample template for a general linguistics major following this plan.
Can I have my Study Abroad experience officially recognized on my diploma?
A new Global Concentration in Linguistics, which requires credits earned through Study Abroad, can be applied to any of the four linguistics majors. The Global Concentration designation will appear on your academic transcript, but not your diploma.
Can I afford Study Abroad?
UC San Diego students receive hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in study abroad scholarships.
Financial aid can be used for study abroad programs (campus-based aid can only be used for EAP).
Study Abroad, UC San Diego provides extensive information on funding and can assist you in applying for scholarships.