Department Alumni – Doctoral Dissertations
Below is a list of all UCSD Linguistics dissertations completed since 1971.
Human and Language Model Experiments in Korean Discourse Pragmatics
By: Hagyeong Shin
Chair: Farrel Ackerman
From Strong to Mild: Experimental and Computational Investigations of the Relative Clause Island Effect in Japanese and English
Chair: Grant Goodall
Current position: Linguistic Engineer, Meta
The Semantics and Pragmatics of Echo Questions in Korean
By: Seoyeon Jang
Chair: Ivano Caponigro
Current position: ML Data Linguist, Amazon Web Services
Structured Variation and Normalization in the Production and Perception of Creaky VoiceBy: Maxine Van Doren
Chair: Marc Garellek
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of English, California State University San Bernardino
Tonal Dimensions of Morphological Complexity
Chair: Sharon Rose
Print Exposure and its Relationship to Spoken Language
by September Cowley
Chair: David Barner
Current position: English Language Arts Curriculum Designer, IXL Learning
Laz Turkish: A Case Study of Partially Productive Vowel Harmony and Sociolinguistic Attitudes
by Neşe Demir Nalcı
Chair: Sharon Rose
Current position: Data labeling analyst, Generative AI Language Research, Meta
The Nature and Evolution of Center-Embedding: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
by Emily Davis
Chair: Robert Kluender
Grammaticalization in American Sign Language: The Case of Nonverbal Predication
by Tory Sampson
Chair: Rachel Mayberry
Current position: Post-doctoral Scholar of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences. Boston University, Massachusetts
Topics in the Phonology and Morphology of Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla
by Raymond Huaute
Chair: Gabriela Caballero
Current position: University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Riverside
Contrast, Neutralization, and Systems of Invariance
by Anna Mai
Chair: Eric Bakovic
Current Position: Post-doctoral Scholar of Language and Computation in Neural Systems, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Phonetics and phonology of checked phonation, syllables, and tones
by Yuan Chai
Chair: Marc Garellek
Current Position: Post-doctoral fellow of Linguistics, University of Washington
Phonetics of Period Doubling
by Yaqian Huang
Chair: Marc Garellek
Current Position: Research Scientist, Acoustics Research Institute of Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
The linguistic representation of number: Cross-linguistic and cross-modal perspectives
by Nina Feygl Semushina
Chair: Rachel I. Mayberry
Current Position: Associate Director, Campus & Virtual Labs, Roman Family Center for Decision Research, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago,
Phonetics and Phonology of Gua
by Michael Obiri-Yeboah
Chair: Sharon Rose
Current Position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Georgetown University
Functional pressures and linguistic typology
by Eric Meinhardt
Co-Chairs: Eric Bakovic & Leon Bergen
Current position: postdoctoral researcher, UC San Diego
Towards a Referential Theory of Ellipsis
by Till Poppels
Co-Chairs: Andrew Kehler and Roger Levy
Current Position: Founder of Contexicon, Toronto
Phonology and phonetics of laryngeal sounds in Chicontepec Nahuatl
by Andrés Ehecatl Aguilar
Co-Chairs: Gabriela Caballero and Marc Garellek
Current Position: Assistant professor in Transnational Arts, Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, San Diego State University
Effects of impoverished early language on American Sign Language development: Longitudinal, processing, and anatomical outcomes
by Qi Cheng
Chair: Rachel Mayberry
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington
Conspiratorial exceptionality: A case study of Mushunguli
by Katherine Hout
Chair: Eric Bakovic
Current Position: Language Engineer, Amazon Web Services
Referential Cohesion in American Sign Language: Modality-Specific and Modality-General Influences
by Anne Therese Frederiksen
Chair: Rachel Mayberry
Current Position: Assistant Professor in Communication, Arts, Sciences, and Disorders at Brooklyn College, CUNY
Gradience and locality in phonology: Case studies from Turkic vowel harmony
by Adam McCollum
Chair: Sharon Rose
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Rutgers University
Identifying Author Topic Stance in Online Discussion Forums
by Gary Patterson
Chair: Andrew Kehler
Current Position: Senior Data Scientist, Apple
by Gary Patterson
Chair: Andrew Kehler
Current Position: Senior Data Scientist, Apple
An Experimental Approach to Variation and Variability in Constituent Order
by Savithry Namboodiripad
Chair: Grant Goodall
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Michigan
Subjunctive and Sequence of Tense in Three Varieties of Spanish: Corpus and Experimental Studies of Change in Progress
by Gustavo Guajardo
Chair: Grant Goodall
Current Position: Data Scientist, Oslo, Norway
The Phonology of Kenyan Sign Language (Southwestern Dialect)
by Hope Morgan
Co-Chairs: Rachel Mayberry and Sharon Rose
Current Position: Research Associate, Institute of German Sign Language, University of Hamburg, Germany
Contextual and morphological effects in speech production
by Scott Seyfarth
Co-Chairs: Farrell Ackerman and Marc Garellek
Current Position: Language Engineer, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Traversing The Wall: A Study of Language Contact among Heritage and Immigrant Speakers of Spanish in the Tijuana-San Diego Border Area
by Rodolfo Mata
Chair: John Moore
Current Position: Associate Professor, Modern & Classical Languages, Western Washington University
Cross-language Activation and the Phonetics of Code-switching
by Page Piccinini
Chair: Marc Garellek
Current Position: Data Scientist, Stripe
Learning to Share: Interaction in Spanish-English bilinguals’ acquisition of syllable structure and positional phonotactics
by Bethany Keffala
Co-Chairs: Sharon Rose and Jessica Barlow (SDSU)
Current Position: Senior User Experience Researcher, Best Buy
Generative and Item-specific Knowledge of Language
by Emily Morgan
Chair: Roger Levy
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, UC Davis
Sensitivity to Islands in Korean-English Bilinguals
by Boyoung Kim
Chair: Grant Goodall
Current Position: Visiting Professor, Linguistics, KAIST Korea
Motivation in Morphology: Lexical Patterns in ASL and English
by Ryan Lepic
co-Chairs: Farrell Ackerman & Carol Padden (Communication)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Linguistics, Gallaudet University
Ixpantepec Mixtec Word Prosody
by Lucien Carroll
co-Chairs: Eric Bakovic & Gabriela Caballero
Current Position: NLP Engineer, Cisco
Event-related brain potential (ERP) studies of the role of working memory and attention in language acquisition and comprehension
by Chris Barkley
Chair: Robert Kluender
Current Position: Senior Publication Specialist, Medtronic
Acquiring latent linguistic structure using computational models
by Gabriel Doyle
Chair: Roger Levy
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Asian/Middle Eastern Languages, San Diego State University
Individual cognitive measures and working memory accounts of syntactic island phenomena
by Daniel Michel
Chairs: Grant Goodall and Robert Kluender
Epistemic reasoning and implicature computation in typically-developing children and individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Lara Hochstein
Chair: Dave Barner
Co-chair: Andrew Kehler
Current Position: Curriculum Group Manager, IXL Learning.
Acquiring a first language in adolescence: Behavioral and neuroimaging studies in American Sign Language
by Naja Ferjan Ramirez
Chair: Rachel Mayberry
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies, University of Washington
Event Structure and Grammatical Patterns: Resultative Constructions
by Leslie Lee
Chair: Farrell Ackerman
Current Position: Senior Lecturer, Dept. of English Language and Literature, National University of Singapore
Phonotactic probability in Amharic: a psycholinguistic and computational investigation
by Rebecca Colavin
Chairs: Roger Levy and Sharon Rose
Current Position: Full Stack Web Developer- freelance
Inductive Inference in Non-Native Speech Processing and Learning
by Bożena Pająk
Chairs: Eric Bakovic and Roger Levy
Current position: Vice President, Learning and Curriculum, Duolingo
The Nature of the Semantic Scale: Evidence from Sign Language Research
by Kathryn Davidson
Chairs: Ivano Caponigro and Rachel Mayberry
Current position: Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Harvard University
Eye movements in reading as rational behavior
by Klinton Bicknell
Chair: Roger Levy
Current position: Head of AI (Senior AI Research Manager), Duolingo
Ellipsis Reconsidered
by Laura Kertz
Chair: Andrew Kehler
Current position: Senior Equity and Diversity Analyst, University of California Office of the President
From words to structure: How syntax can affect the distribution and interpretation of verbs and their arguments. Three case studies from Japanese.
by Shin Fukuda
Chairs: Ivano Caponigro and John Moore
Current position: Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
The Acquisition of Ungrammaticality: Learning a Subset in L2 Phonotactics
by Cynthia Kilpatrick
Chair: Eric Baković
Current position: Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Linguistics & TESOL, University of Texas at Arlington
Processing of Long-Distance Syntactic and Referential Gap-filler Dependencies: Evidence from Reading time, ERP and Eye-tracking Data in Korean
by Nayoung Kwon
Chair: Robert Kluender
Current position: Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Oregon
Coherence-Driven Effects in Sentence & Discourse Processing
by Hannah Rohde
Chair: Andrew Kehler
Current position: Professor, Department of Linguistics and English Language, University of Edinburgh
A Connectionist Model of the Effect of Pro-Drop on SVO Languages
by Ezra van Everbroeck
Chairs: Maria Polinsky & Gary Cottrell (Computer Science & Engineering)
Current position: Director of Information Technology, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
A Crosslinguistic Investigation of Palatalization
by Nicoleta Bateman
Chair: Sharon Rose
Current position: Professor, Department of Liberal Studies, California State University, San Marcos
Comparatively Speaking: A Psycholinguistic Study of Optionality in Grammar
by Jeremy Boyd
Chair: Farrell Ackerman
Current position: Computational social scientist, Micron Technology
Eye Gaze in American Sign Language: Linguistic Functions for Verbs and Pronouns
by Robin Thompson
Chairs: Robert Kluender and Karen Emmorey
Current position: Associate Professor, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK
Agreement in Gestures and Signed Languages:
The use of directionality to indicate referents involved in actions
by Shannon Casey
Chair: Robert Kluender
Current position: Treatment Coordinator (Marriage & Family Therapist)
Processing Information Structure:
Evidence from Comprehension and Production
by H. Wind Cowles
Chair: Robert Kluender
Current position: Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of Florida
Phonetics of Language Attrition: vowel production and articulatory setting in the speech of Western Armenian heritage speakers
by Linda Godson
Co-chairs: Maria Polinsky & Sharon Rose
Current position: Heritage Language Initiative Coordinator, Department of World Languages & Literatures, Portland State University
Morphological Faithfulness to Syntactic Representations
by Michael Hughes
Chair: David Perlmutter
Current position: Associate Professor of German and Spanish
The Effect of Phonological Status on the Acquisition of New Contrasts: Evidence from Spanish and Japanese L2 Learners of English
by Alicia Muñoz Sánchez
Chair: Sharon Rose
Current position: Academic Coordinator, Spanish, Linguistics, UC San Diego
Discourse Adjectives
by Gina Taranto
Chair: Chris Barker
Current Position: Director of Organizational Development
Event-Related Brain Potentials in the Processing of
Japanese Wh-Questions
by Mieko Ueno
Chair: Robert Kluender
Current Position: Visiting Professor at University of Oregon
The Acquisition of Verbs and Argument Structure Constructions
by Nitya Sethuraman
Chair: Ronald W. Langacker & Elizabeth Bates
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Relating Parsers and Grammars: On the structure and real-time comprehension of
English infinitival complements
by Matthew S. Walenski
Chairs: John Moore & Robert Kluender
Current Position: Research Associate, School of Communication, Northwestern University
Phonotactic Interactions: A Non-Reductionist Approach to Phonology
by Fumiko Kumashiro
Co-Chairs: Ronald W. Langacker & Matthew Chen
Current Position: Lecturer, Keoi University
The Conceptual Basis of Grammar: A Cognitive Approach to Japanese Clausal Structure
by Toshiyuki Kumashiro
Chair: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Professor, Dept. of Law & Dept. of Political Science, Keio University
The Internally Headed Relative Clause Construction in Japanese: A Cognitive Grammar Approach
by Masuhiro Nomura
Chair: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, Hokkaido University
Dictionary of Rincon Luiseño
by Eric Elliott
Chair: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Luiseño Instructor, California State Unversity, San Bernardino
Information Structure, Judgment Forms, and the Interpretation of Indefinites in Spanish
by William J. Byrne
Co-Chairs: John Moore & Adele Goldberg
Current Position: Voice Interface Engineer, Google
Fuzhou Tone Sandhi
by Lee-Lee Lily Chan
Chair: Matthew Chen
The Rhetoric of Grammar: Scalar Reasoning & Polarity Sensitivity
by Michael Israel
Chair: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Associate Professor of English Language, Department of English, University of Maryland
A Prosodic Theory of Hiatus Resolution
by Martha Baird Senturia
Chair: Kathleen Hubbard
Current Position: Senior VUI Designer, Performance Technology Partners
Cantonese Exceed Comparatives
by Sui-Sang Mok
Chair: John Moore
Current Position: Assistant Professor, School of Education and Languages, The Open University of Hong Kong
Emergent Grammatical Relations: An Inductive Learning System
by William C. Morris
Chair: Adele Goldberg; Co-Chair: Jeffrey Elman
Prominence: from Sensation to Language
by Tracy Cameron Mansfield
Chair: Ronald W. Langacker
by Tracy Cameron Mansfield
Chair: Ronald W. Langacker
Negation, Polarity, and Indefiniteness: A Comparative Study of Negative Constructions in Spanish & English
by Raul Aranovich
Chair: John Moore; Co-Chair: S.-Y. Kuroda
Current Position: Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of California, Davis
Words & Music Together: The Rhythms of Songs
by Phyllis Muller
Chair: Matthew Chen
Neurolinguistic Evidence of Some Conceptual Properties of Nouns & Verbs
by Margaret Kimberly Kellogg
Chair: Robert Kluender
The Mental Representation of Verbs
by Kathleen V. Ahrens
Advisors: Adele Goldberg & David Swinney (Psychology)
Current Position: Professor, Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University
The Preterite & Imperfect in Spanish: Past Situation vs. Past Viewpoint
by Aintzane Doiz-Bienzobas
Advisors: Ronald W. Langacker & Suzanne Kemmer
Current Position: Associate Professor, English Philology & Translation Studies, University of the Basque Country
Object Relatives Viewed Through Behavioral, Electrophysiological and Modeling Techniques
by Jill Weckerly
Chair: Marta Kutas; Co-chair: Jeff Elman
Time & Tense in Narrative and in Everyday Language
by L. Michelle Cutrer
Advisor: Suzanne Kemmer
Current Position: Lawyer
Constraint-Based Phonology & Morphology: A Survey of Languages in China
by Hui-Chuan Hsu
Advisor: Matthew Chen
Current Position: Chair and Professor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University
Discourse & Definiteness: Synchronic & Diachronic Perspectives
by Richard Epstein
Advisors: Suzanne Kemmer & Gilles Fauconnier
Current Position: Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Liberal Studies Program, Department of English, Rutgers University
Pragmatics, Subjectivity and the Grammaticalization of the English Perfect
by Kathleen Carey
Advisor: Suzanne Kemmer
A Connectionist Approach to Nominal Inflection: Paradigm Patterning & Analogy in Finnish
by Ann Thyme-Gobbel
Advisor: Farrell Ackerman
Current Position: VUI/UX Designer, Gamgee
Syntax, Discourse and Acts of the Mind: A Study of the Indicative-Subjunctive Contrast in Spanish
by Errapel Mejias-Vicandi
Advisor: S.-Y. Kuroda
Current Position: Associate Professor of Spanish, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Grammar of Inalienability: Possession & Noun Incorporation in Paraguayan Guarani
by Maura Velazquez-Castillo
Advisor: Suzanne Kemmer
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Colorado State University
The Structure of Wanka Quechua Evidential Categories
by Rick Floyd
Advisor: Suzanne Kemmer
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, SIL International
Complementation in French: A Cognitive Perspective
by Michel J. R. Achard
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Associate Professor, Linguistics, Rice University
Middle Voice in Modern Greek
by Linda Manney
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: English and Literature Teacher, International Baccalaureate Program, Pinewood American International School of Thessaloniki and Adjunct Professor of English Linguistics, American College of Thessaloniki
Discontinuous Morphology in Modern Aramaic
by Johanna Rubba
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Associate Professor of Linguistics, English Department, California Polytechnic State University
Paths Through Conceptual Structure: Constraints on Pronominal Anaphora
by Karen van Hoek
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Middle Voice: The Case of Spanish 'se'
by Ricardo Maldonado Soto
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Professor, Instituto de Investigaciaones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
Narrative Time
by Jeff Lansing
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Topics in Chinese Phrasal Tonology
by Hongming Zhang
Advisor: Matthew Chen
Current Position: Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Aspects of Polish Syntax
by Katarzyna Anna Dziwirek
Advisor: David Perlmutter
Current Positions: Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Washington and Adjunct Professor of Linguistics, University of Washington
Thematic Relations, Relational Networks, and Multistratal Representations
by Patrick Michael Farrell
Advisor: David Perlmutter
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Davis
Syntax, Rhythm, & Tone: A Triangular Relationship
by Yuchau E. Hsiao
Advisor: Matthew Chen
Cognitive Constraints on Variables in Syntax
by Robert E. Kluender
Advisors: Marta Kutas & Jeffrey Elman
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, University of California, San Diego
Phonological Representation & Processing in Connectionist Networks
by Mary L. Hare
Advisor: Jeff Elman
Current Position: Associate Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green University
Ordered Chaos: A Cognitive Model for the Interpretation of English Noun-Noun Compounds
by Mary Ellen Ryder
Advisor: Jeff Elman
A Grammar of Jamul Diegueno
by Amy W. Miller
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Pronominalization & Control in Modern Persian
by Margaret Marie Hashemipour
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
by Margaret Marie Hashemipour
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
A Cognitive Analysis of Grammatical Relations, Case, and Transitivity in Samoan
by Kenneth William Cook
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
The Stony Idiom of the Brain: A Study in the Semantics & Syntax of Metaphors
by Heatherbell Fong
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Universal Constraints on Relationally Complex Clauses
by John Albert Bickford
Advisor: David Perlmutter
Current Position: Certified Senior Linguistics Consultant, SIL International
The Semantics of Dative & Accusative in German: An Investigation in Cognitive Grammar
by Michael Smith
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Professor, Department of Linguistics, Oakland University
Syntactic & Semantic Aspects of Chinese Tone Sandhi
by Tony Hung
Advisor: Matthew Chen
Current Position: Professor, Language Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University
Towards a Cognitive Model of Transitivity
by Sally Ann Rice
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
Current Position: Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta
Topics in French Syntax
by Geraldine Legendre
Advisor: David Perlmutter
Current Position: Professor, Cognitive Science Department, Johns Hopkins University
Parameter Setting: Evidence from Use, Acquisition, and Breakdown in American Sign Language
by Diane C. Lillo-Martin
Advisor: Edward Klima
Current Position: Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Linguistics, University of Connecticut
A Grammar Sketch & Comparative Study of Eastern Mono
by Evan Norris
Advisor: Ronald W. Langacker
The Relational Structure of Turkish Syntax
by Inci Ozkaragoz
Advisor: Sandra Chung
Current Position: Computational Linguist/Speech and Language Technology
The Syntax of Pronouns in Dogrib (Athapaskan): Some Theoretical Consequences
by Leslie Saxon
Advisor: Sandra Chung
Current Position: Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Victoria
The Prosodic Domain of Tone Sandhi in Chinese
by Chi-lin Shih
Advisor: Matthew Chen
Current Position: Associate Professor of Linguistics, University of Illinois
Reduction & Anaphoric Relations in Chinese
by Mei-du Li Erickson
Advisor: Matthew Chen
The Syntax of Variable Binding in Palauan
by Carol Georgopoulos
Advisor: Sandra Chung
Object & Raising in Spanish
by Nora Gonzalez
Advisor: David Perlmutter
Parallel Structures in Syntax
by Grant Todd Goodall
Advisors: Sandra Chung & Yuki Kuroda
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics and Director of the Linguistics Language Program, University of California, San Diego
The Semantics of English Spatial Prepositions
by Bruce Hawkins
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Department of English, Illinois State University
Description of Space in French
by Claude Vandeloise
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Studies in Lakhota Grammar
by Janis Shirley Williamson
Advisor: Sandra Chung
The Interaction of Morphology & Syntax in American Sign Language
by Carol Ann Padden
Advisor: David Perlmutter
Current Position: Professor of Communication, University of California, San Diego and MacArthur Fellow
A Formal Theory of Vowel Harmony
by Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku
Advisor: Sanford Scahne
Current Position: Professor, International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego
Cora Locationals & Structured Imagery
by Eugene H. Casad
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Object & Absolutive in Halkomelem Salish
by Donna Blanche Gerdts
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Position: Professor, Department of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University
A Study of Absolute Phrases within the Government Binding Framework
by Roberta Lynn Ishihara
Advisor: Yuki Kuroda
Icons, Analogues, and Morphemes: The Acquisition of Verb Agreement in American Sign Language
by Richard Paul Meier
Advisor: Edward Klima
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin
A Generative Phonology of Modern Icelandic
by Gregory Charles Richter
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, English and Linguistics, Truman State University
The Lexicon in a Model of Language Production
by Joseph Paul Stemberger
Advisor: Jeffrey Elman
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, University of British Columbia
Choctaw Clause Structure
by William Daniel Davies (1954-2017)
Advisor: David Perlmutter
In memoriam, William Davies
A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of English Verb Particle Constructions with OUT and UP
by Susan Jean Lindner
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
The Structure of Seri
by Stephen Alan Marlett
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Position: Linguistics Consultant, SIL International
The Semantics of Raising Constructions
by John Newman
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Current Position: Professor Emeritus, Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta
Progressives in Yuman & Romance
by Susan Ann Norwood
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
The Transivity-Related Morphology of Tetelcingo Nahuatl: An Exploration in Space Grammar
by David Harold Tuggy
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Current Position: Field Linguist, SIL International
Phonological & Temporal Properties of Cocopa
by Brigitte Holt Bendixen
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Clause Union in Chamorro and in Universal Grammar
by Jeanne Darrigrand Gibson
Advisor: Sandra Chung
The Syntax of the Albanian Verb Complex
by Philip Laurence Hubbard
Advisor: David Perlmutter
Current Position: Director, English for Foreign Students and Senior Lecturer, Linguistics, Language Center and Linguistics Department, Stanford University
Breton Relativization
by Phyllis Gafford King
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Directive Speech Acts: A Theoretical Investigation
by Patrick Henry Murray
Advisor: Yuki Kuroda
Short-term Coding Processes of Congenitally Deaf Signers of ASL: Natural Language Considerations
by Michael Arthur Shand
Advisor: Edward Klima
The Lexicon in Phonological Theory Data from Frisian
by Peter Mejies Tiersma
Advisor: Matthew Chen
American Sign Language Typology
by Geoffrey Restall Coulter
Advisor: Edward Klima
Pragmatics, Formal Theory and The Analysis of Presuppositions
by John David Dinsmore
Advisor: Edward Klima
Phonological Issues in North Alaskan Inupiaq
by Lawrence David Kaplan
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics and Director, Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Writing as a Second Language: Psycholinguistic Processes in Composition
by Brooke Neilson
Advisor: Edward Klima
Studies in Niuean Syntax
by William John Seiter
Advisor: Sandra Chung
Semantic Aspects of Verbal Grammaticization
by William Rufus Mathews III
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
The French-based Creoles of the Indian Ocean: An Analysis & Comparison
by Robert Antoine Papen
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Position: Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Québéc
Lexical Borrowing in American Sign Language: Phonological & Morphological Restructuring
by Robbin M. Battison
Advisor: Edward Klima
Problems in the Developmental Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism: Language Acquisition & Language Use
by Coral Rhodes Bergman
Advisors: Sanford Schane & Margaret Langdon
Havasupai Songs: A Linguistic Perspective
by Leanne Hinton
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Position: Professor Emerita, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley
An Investigation into the Syntactic Structure of American Sign Language
by Scott Kent Liddell
Advisor: Edward Klima
The Semantics of English Complementation
by Arthur Kean Spears
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Current Positions: Presidential Professor of Linguistics and Acting Chair of the Anthropology Department, The City College of New York
Indo-European Passive Structures: A Historical-Comparative Perceptive
by Hariklia Statha-Halikas
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Stability of Dichotic Listening Scores of Left- and Right-handed Subjects
by Anne Burnham Thistle
Advisor: Timothy Smith
Word Order Change in Chinese: Some Contributing Factors & Implications
by Yat-Shing Cheung
Advisor: Benjam T'sou
Investigations in Pragmatic Theory
by Samuel Seth Epstein
Advisor: Yuki Kuroda
Indirect Speech Acts, Speech Act Theory, and Common Sense
by Donald Forman
Advisor: Benjamin T'sou
Some Aspects of the Historical Development of Signs in American Sign Language
by Nancy Frishberg
Advisor: Edward Klima
Japanese Interrogatives: A Synchronic & Diachronic Analysis
by Kunihiko Ogawa
Advisor: Yuki Kuroda
Topics in Irish Syntax & Semantics
by Nancy Stenson
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Positions: Professor Emerita, Institute of Linguistics, University of Minnesota
Palauan Phonology & Morphology
by Jo Ann Flora
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Relativization & Complementation in Diegueno: Noun Phrases as Nouns
by Larry Gorbet
Advisor: Margret Langdon
Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Anthropology, University of New Mexico
A Study of Japanese Predicate Complement Construction
by Masako Inoue
Advisor: Yuki Kuroda
Topics in Mojave Syntax
by Pamela Munro
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
Current Position: Distinguished Research Professor of Linguistics at UCLA
Figurative Patterns & Redundancy in the Lexicon
by William Nagy
Advisor: Edward Klima
Current Position: Professor of Education, Seattle Pacific University
Studies in the Grammar of Kihungan
by Alexis Takizala
Advisor: Yuki Kuroda; Co-Chair: Ronald Langacker
The Phonology of Nasal Vowels in Modern French
by Bernard Tranel
Advisor: Sanford Schane
Current Position: Professor of Linguistics, University of California, Irvine
On Some Phonetic Effects in Dichotic Listening
by Peter Benson
Advisor: Tim Smith
Aspects of Proto-Polynesian Syntax
by Ross Clark
Advisor: Paul Chapin
Current Position: Senior Lecturer in Linguistics at The University of Auckland
Some Topics in Navajo Syntax
by Suzette Haden Elgin
Advisor: Margaret Langdon
The Positional Tendencies of Modal Elements & Their Theoretical Implications
by Susan Steele
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
Current Position: Board Member, ILCF and Professor Emerita of Linguistics, University of Arizona
Complementation Phenomena in Hausa
by John Eulenberg
Advisor: Edward Klima
Current Positions: Professor Emeritus of African Langauges and Communicative Sciences and Discorders, Michigan State University
On Deletion Phenomena in English
by John Grinder
Advisor: Edward Klima
Syntactic Change: A Cupan (Uto-Aztecan) Case Study
by Roderick Jacobs
Advisor: Ronald Langacker
A Transformational Analysis of Infinitival & Gerundive Complements in English
by Quentin Pizzini
Advisor: Edward Klima
Current Position: Senior Research Associate, the Behavioral Technology Laboratories at the Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California (USC)
A Generative Phonology of Noun & Vowel Harmony in Hungarian
by Marianne Esztergar
Advisor: Sanford Schane
Theoretical Implications of Some Global Phenomena in Syntax
by Gilles Fauconnier
Advisor: Yuki Kuroda
Current Position: Professor Emeritus of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego
Old French Phonology & Morphology
by Douglas Walker
Advisor: Sanford Schane
Current Position: Professor Emeritus of French, Department of French, Italian and Spanish, University of Calgary