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Graduate Research & Travel Grants


Linguistics Department Travel Funding Policy

The Department has funds to subsidize graduate student travel to major conferences for giving talks and presenting posters. The Department strongly encourages you to submit abstracts to major conferences in your field, as soon as your research program has developed to the appropriate point. Graduate students may apply for funding at any time during the year. The DGS reviews applications and makes awards. Awards are made on a rolling basis. Awardees are reimbursed for covered expenses upon timely presentation of appropriate receipts. Any unspent funds after one round of funding will trigger a second general call for applications, so those who have not reached their annual cap can apply again.



 Travel Application Timeline



Funding Levels

The number of trips taken per year is at the student’s discretion. However, please be aware of the funding limits below. The maximum possible total funding amounts per student per year (maximum funding not guaranteed) is $1,800. Please note this funding limit is for both travel and research. You may not apply for funding while you are on a leave of absence.

In addition, please consider the following maximum amounts per trip based on the location of the relevant conference:

  • Travel within California: $500
  • Travel within North America (US, Mexico and Canada): $800
  • Travel outside of North America: $1,200

Reimbursable Expenses 

The following items are considered allowable expenses for reimbursement:

  1. Airfare (Economy/Coach class only)
  2. Conference Registration fees

Application Process

Prior to submitting your abstract for the conference, you must secure approval from your advisor about the conference you are considering and provide them with a copy of the abstract you are planning to submit. Please give the faculty sufficient time to read and consider the abstract. You will be required to obtain a memo of approval from your advisor in the relevant research area. This memo should confirm that they have read and approved the abstract, and are willing to do the usual advisory task of providing input and polishing the paper. Once your abstract has been accepted for presentation and prior to travel, complete the application form, adding your advisor’s memo, conference acceptance confirmation and details of relevant expenses.

Applications without the advisor memo of approval will not be approved

The department's travel and research grants are limited, so we encourage you to apply to outside sources. Conference and research travel falls under the scope of the GPSA Travel Grants, through which every UCSD PhD student is eligible to receive $300 per year for conference travel. Many conferences also offer student travel grants and awards. Be sure to research whether the conference you are attending also offers student funding.

We ask that you please apply for these funds in order to maximize the department’s funds for all students. 

Reimbursement Process

Awardees are reimbursed for covered expenses upon presentation of appropriate receipts. Before you apply, make sure you will be able to provide the documentation that will be needed in order to process your award. Remember that all receipts must be turned in within 21 days of travel completion.

For travel reimbursement, you will need to provide: (1) dates of travel, (2) location traveled to, (3) purpose of trip, (4) proof of conference acceptance (email message or letter from conference organizers), and (5) itemized airfare receipt (including itinerary and confirming form of payment). In addition, you will need to sign and complete the UC San Diego Student Certification for Business-Related Travel, which must also be signed by your faculty advisor.

Reimbursement for eligible business related expenses are processed through Concur.  Employees, including student employees, must first designate Jeffrey Lau as an expense delegate on their Concur profile.  Instructions can be found in this KBA.

The Intercampus Exchange program provides airfare or mileage reimbursement for faculty and registered graduate students to conduct research and research specific collaborations at other UC campuses. Attendance at conferences, scholarly society meetings, business meetings, invited talks, or presentations of seminars do not qualify. Airfare or mileage in lieu of airfare is reimbursable up to $250 and no other travel expenses such as lodging or meals can be reimbursed under this program. If interested, please complete a request


Linguistics Department Research Funding Policy


The Linguistics Department has funds to support graduate student research projects. Graduate students may apply for funding at any time during the year. Requests are considered on a first come, first serve basis. Strong preference is given to work related to theses and dissertations or contemplated publications. 


Funding levels

Assistant/subject funding per student is limited to $1,800 per academic year (maximum funding is not guaranteed).  Please note this funding limit is for both travel and research. You may not apply for funding while you are on a leave of absence. 

Reimbursable Expenses 

The following items are considered allowable expenses for reimbursement:

  1. Experimental subject payments
  2. Language work related expenses (consultant payment or travel expenses not covered by other funding)

Application Process

Prior to submitting your request for research funds, you must secure approval from your advisor about your research plan. Please give the faculty sufficient time to read and consider the proposal. You will be required to obtain a memo of approval from your advisor in the relevant research area. This memo should confirm that they have read and approved your research plan and are willing to do the usual advisory task of providing input about your progress. Once you have obtained your advisor’s approval, complete the application form; you will be asked to provide (1) your advisor’s memo, (2) your study name, (3) the amount of individual payments, (4) time period for the study, and (5) the current, valid protocol number (via a copy of your IRB approval letter and the UCSD IRB Approved Informed Consent form outlining Compensation for Participation). 

Applications without the advisor memo of approval will not be approved

Reimbursement Process

Human subjects are paid via Payment Works.  Cash advances can be requested but one must follow campus cash advance protocols,as described in the following link:

The Research Grant application can be found HERE.

Further Questions?

Further questions should be addressed to