Teach English Abroad
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certification
Become qualified to teach English abroad through the TEFL Certificate Program at UC San Diego Extension. With proper planning, UC San Diego students can earn this certificate by the time they graduate. A TEFL certificate, along with a 4-year degree in Linguistics, can open doors to teaching opportunities around the globe. Take advantage of the many benefits available to UC San Diego students such as:
- $25 early enrollment discount on all 3-unit classes.
- 10% discount on all classes, up to $50 per quarter.
- UC San Diego Extension Grant Program Voucher. Offered each quarter, good for 1 class up to $400, and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
- LAUNCH program for juniors and seniors. Application required. If accepted, this program will cover most course fees for the TEFL Certificate Program.
For more information, please call 858-534-7418 or email tefl@ucsd.edu.
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships. - Graduating seniors and recent graduates with proficiency in Spanish are encouraged to apply to assist permanent teaching staff for nine-month appointments.
The Language and Culture Assistants Program offers grants to recent graduates and junior or senior college students from the U.S. and Canada to live in Spain for a year, teaching English to K-12 Spanish students.
The Foreign Language Assistants Program seeks graduate and undergraduate students in their final academic year for teaching assistant positions in Spain.

English Opens Doors Program aims to improve the level of English for students between 5th and 12th grade throughout the Chilean public school system. Participants teach under the direction of headteachers in public schools while living with Chilean host families and interacting with members of the local community.
Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers opportunities for students to undertake international graduate study and advanced research. Graduate students conducting thesis or dissertation research are preferred, but graduating seniors, recent graduates, and Master’s students will be considered. Proficiency in Spanish is required.
Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET) place Assistant Language Teachers in public elementary, junior high, and senior high schools in Japan. Participants are not required to have prior Japanese language skills, and all majors are welcome to apply.
Dave's ESL Cafe has job boards and resume boards for jobs in Korea, China, and elsewhere. Many other resources and forums can be found here for ESL and EFL students and teachers.
English Program in Korea (EPIK) sends B.A. graduates to teach in Korean schools at the Elementary/Middle/High levels.
Antonio Montano's Guide to Teaching Abroad, information about teaching English and living in South Korea.
teflSearch is a database of teaching positions around the world, searchable by country, salary, benefits, etc. Also offers a variety of information resources, such as a guide to paying taxes abroad.