Heritage Persian
2020-2021 Persian Program Flyer
Prospective Students
There are two levels of Heritage Persian based on student proficiency: regular (LIHL117) and advanced (LIHL137). Regular level is taught three times a year in Fall (F), Winter (W) and Spring (P). Advanced level is offered depending on enrollments. Each iteration of the course is 4 units of upper division credit and has a different area of emphasis; students may take all three courses at a single level in any order.
LIHL117 Persian for Persian Speakers
- LIHL117F - Linguistics/Persian for Persian Speakers. For students who speak and comprehend informal spoken Persian but wish to improve their communicative and sociocultural competence and their analytic understanding. Language functions for oral communication, reading, writing and family/life festivals; dialect and language style differences; structure and history of Persian. LIHL117F, LIHL117W, and LIHL117P may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
- LIHL117W - Linguistics/Persian for Persian Speakers. For students who speak and comprehend informal spoken Persian but wish to improve their communicative and sociocultural competence and their analytic understanding. Language functions for oral communication, reading, writing and media/arts; dialect and language style differences; structure and history of Persian. LIHL117F, LIHL117W, and LIHL117P may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
- LIHL117P - Linguistics/Persian for Persian Speakers. For students who speak and comprehend informal spoken Persian but wish to improve their communicative and sociocultural competence and their analytic understanding. Language functions for oral communication, reading, writing and entertainment/culture; dialect and language style differences; structure and history of Persian. LIHL117F, LIHL117W, and LIHL117P may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
LIHL 137 Advanced Persian for Persian Speakers
- LIHL137F - Linguistics/Advanced Persian for Persian Speakers. Instruction stresses language function required for advanced oral communication, reading, writing, and cultural understanding in professional contexts, with emphasis on domestic culture. High-level vocabulary and texts; dialect differences and formal language styles (registers). Advanced structural analysis and history of Persian. LIHL137F, LIHL137W, and LIHL137P may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
- LIHL137W - Linguistics/Advanced Persian for Persian Speakers. Instruction stresses language function required for advanced oral communication, reading, writing, and cultural understanding in professional contexts, with emphasis on media/arts. High-level vocabulary and texts; dialect differences and formal language styles (registers). Advanced structural analysis and history of Persian. LIHL137F, LIHL137W, and LIHL137P may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
- LIHL137P - Linguistics/Advanced Persian for Persian Speakers. Instruction stresses language function required for advanced oral communication, reading, writing, and cultural understanding in professional contexts, with emphasis on entertainment/culture. High-level vocabulary and texts; dialect differences and formal language styles (registers). Advanced structural analysis and history of Persian. LIHL137F, LIHL137W, and LIHL137P may be taken in any order. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor; appropriate proficiency for level.
Enrolled Students
Download the syllabus for your class in PDF format: 117, 137
Office Hours for Fall 2020 currently being held on Zoom. See Canvas for specifics.
Ellie Sadegholvad
Heritage Language Program Academic Coordinator and
Heritage Persian Lecturer
Rana Salimi
Heritage Persian Lecturer